Partner Manager Certification

Learn in this interactive learning session how to become a successful Partner Manager and hit and exceed your goals and targets consistently.

Partnerships are getting more and more important in today’s business – especially, but not limited to B2B SaaS companies. They are the ideal path for long-term, sustainable and capital-efficient growth.

Thought leader call this the “Decade of Ecosystems”. Which means now is the best time for you to work in partnerships! Until now, there is no formal education for this role, and hardly any training or book available on how to become successful as Partner Manager. This interactive learning session will enable you to achieve your goals. Starting with setting the strategic stage, the clear focus is on the daily operational work with partner and a guidance on which skills and expertise you should focus on developing during your career. Topics which are covered include:

  • IPP (Ideal Partner Profile)
  • The two dimensions of Partner Marketing
  • Partner Qualification
  • Partner Tiering
  • MAP (Mutual Action Plan) aka Partner Success Plan
  • Partner Recruiting
  • Partner Onboarding
  • Partner Enablement
  • Partner Offboarding 
  • …. and many more

Our Graduates work for these amazing companies:


1. Creating the ground: Partnership readiness of your company
2. Setting the stage for success: Partnership fit for your company
3. Working with Partner successfully: Partner experience throughout the partner life cycle
   3.1 Partner Recruitment: Finding the right partner
   3.2 Partner Onboarding: The work starts after the contract signature
   3.3 Partner Enablement: Their success is your success
   3.4 Partner Off-boarding: Not all relationships are meant to be forever
4. Personal development: Skills and Expertise which will help you

Format: Interactive Workshop (in-person/virtual)

Price: 699€ / person (net)

Next dates:

Berlin, 26 September 2024 – AMANO Rooftop Conference

Stockholm, 29 May 2024 Next Stockholm Edition to be announced

Virtual Editions, to be announced